Archive for Month: January 2017

Upper Darby Hosts Closest Match of the Season
“Nail biter” is the best way to describe the Delco Hi-Q competition between Upper Darby, Interboro, and Academy of Notre Dame. Host team Upper Darby took an early lead but was unable to keep it and missed tying their competitors by two points. Interboro and Notre Dame volleyed for […]

Defending Champs Add 63 Points to Cume
Last year’s Delco Hi-Q champs, Garnet Valley, added 63 points to their cumulative score in a victory over host team Springfield High School and guests Academy Park. Thursday’s competition concluded second-round play for all 21 participating teams. The Jaguars picked up ten bonus points to bring their score well above […]

Delco Hi-Q: It’s A Competitive Point Game
At this point in the Delco Hi-Q season, every point becomes important and teams are competing vigorously for each and every one. If they maintain momentum, chances are Radnor and Penncrest High will be playoff contenders, as each bested their first round scores in their respective second competitions of the […]

Delco Hi-Q Begins New Year with a Bang
Haverford High School rang in the new year adding 65 points to its cumulative score as the team vies for semi-final placement. The host team graciously picked up 14 bonus points from competitors Upper Darby and Valley Forge Military Academy in Friday’s competition. VFMA, new to Delco Hi-Q, was swift […]