Haverford High School rang in the new year adding 65 points to its cumulative score as the team vies for semi-final placement. The host team graciously picked up 14 bonus points from competitors Upper Darby and Valley Forge Military Academy in Friday’s competition. VFMA, new to Delco Hi-Q, was swift on the draw in the Math category, answering correctly on the first try to earn maximum points. Upper Darby put forth a valiant effort, holding onto second place throughout the contest, but was unable to keep pace with the Fords. Final Scores: Haverford 65, Upper Darby 28, Valley Forge 4
Chichester High hosted and narrowly lost the mid-week competition to Ridley High School in a match-up that was relatively close for all three teams. Ridley took an early lead by answering six of the other team’s missed questions. Chichester came from behind and tied Ridley midway through the second half. Bonner &Prendie struggled late in the game and could only come up with two points. Seven bonus points led Ridley to victory but a correct answer in the final category, a toss-up Math problem, secured their win. After the contest, Bonner & Prendie was assessed a 10 point penalty for a late arrival rules violation. Final Scores: Ridley 26, Chichester 21, Bonner & Prendie 1
Sun Valley played host to Cardinal O’Hara and Penn Wood, leading a competitive second round match out of the gate. The three teams jockeyed for position in the beginning, taking turns providing correct answers in various categories, but by competition mid-point the host team snagged and held the lead. Sun Valley also collected eight bonus points along the way. Final Scores: Sun Valley 37, Cardinal O’Hara 24, Penn Wood 14
Two competitions are scheduled the second week of January. Archbishop Carroll will host Radnor and Delco Christian on the 10th and Interboro will host Penncrest and Strath Haven on the 11th.
Each school team has ten members, and each school hosts one contest during the regular season. Three teams compete at each contest, and in the regular season competition there are three rounds. Questions prepared from 13 categories cover standard high school course content as well as general scholastic knowledge that students are expected to have acquired.
Delco Hi-Q is a partnership between Delaware County Intermediate Unit (DCIU) and Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union (FMFCU). Veteran actor Tom McCarthy is Quizmaster, FMFCU Vice President Rick Durante serves as Director, Rachel Murray is Hi-Q Coordinator, and DCIU’s Dave Bramble is the production engineer.
In addition to support from participating schools, Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union and the Wilbur C. and Betty Lea Henderson Foundation are the primary corporate sponsors. Additional support comes from longtime sponsor Kimberly-Clark Corporation and the Delaware County Daily Times.
Stay up-to-date with Delco Hi-Q online at DelcoHiQ.org, Facebook, and Twitter.