FMFCU Foundation is awarding nearly $6,000 to six different nonprofits in the area through the Nonprofit Community Grants program. Nonprofits were invited to apply earlier this summer.
2019 Grantees are:
Be Proud Foundation (Media, PA) will receive $1,000 to purchase three laptops for usage by the student STEP UP program. This program serves Upper Darby High School students by providing career workshops, academic enhancement, occupational skills training, tours of schools, work experiences, job shadowing, and support.
Chester Innovations Community Services (Chester, PA) will receive a $915 grant to purchase Asthma Home Remediation Kits. The education and supplies will empower families to make changes that lead to positive results in managing asthma in children. The kits reduce asthma triggers in the home, flare-ups, missed school days, emergency room visits and medication used.
Child, Inc. (Wilmington, DE) will receive $1,000 to help cover the cost for a group of children and teens visit the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture in Washington D.C. These children participate in programming at Kids Place in a community that faces challenges such as poverty, crime and drugs. The youth who are involved with Kids Place programming receive added educational support, mentoring and structured programming to improve their chances to graduate high school and be on the road to a life as a contributing citizen.
Friends of the Ridley Park Library (Ridley Park, PA) will receive a $930 grant to provide funding for the Read to the Pet Pals Literacy Program in 2020, which will provide 6 sessions of reading to therapy animals which enables children to improve their literacy skills and self-esteem by reading to a loving audience of dogs and other pets.
Surrey Services (Devon, PA) will receive a $1,000 grant to purchase portable wall screens for the center in Haverford to create defined program space for seniors.
The Community’s Foundation (Springfield, PA) will receive a $1,000 grant to support youth literacy through the purchase of books through the Kara Barnard Youth Literacy Fund, a Program of The Community’s Foundation. The program promotes youth literacy and gets books in the hands of children and families in need.