5 Hillman Drive, Suite 200, Chadds Ford, PA. 19317-9998

484.259.1945 foundation@fmfcu.org


February 7, 2023 – In Hi-Q every point matters because one point can make the difference between moving on to the playoffs or the season coming to an end. This week, several teams kept their season alive by adding enough points to move on to the next round.

Marple Newtown High School hosted Strath Haven and Garnet Valley High Schools on Friday, February 3rd. All three of these teams had hopes to make it to the playoffs. Proving they were prepared all three answered their questions correctly in the first two categories: Current Events and American History. Garnet Valley pulled ahead in the Biology category- picking up 6 total points – 2 bonus points and 4 points for their own correct answer. By intermission, Garnet Valley had a dominating lead. In the end, Garnet Valley secured the win and both GVHS and Marple gained enough points to cement their playoff positions.  Final Scores- Marple Newtown: 39; Strath Haven: 33; Garnet Valley: 51.

Bonner and Prendie and Penn Wood High Schools traveled to Sun Valley to compete on Monday, February 6. Sun Valley proved to their home audience they were in it to win it by answering their first 4 questions correctly and picked up some bonus points as well. Behind them, Bonner and Prendie and Penn Wood changed leads for second place and ended tied with Sun Valley as the winner. Final Scores- Sun Valley: 26; Bonner Prendie: 18; Penn Wood: 18.

In the last contest of the regular season, Radnor and Upper Darby High Schools visited Delaware County Christian School. The auditorium at DCCS was full of enthusiastic students – hoping for a home team win. The first half was a fast paced contest- DCCS only missed one question, and both Radnor and Upper Darby only missed two. DCCS held onto their lead in the second half, securing their first place position of the season. Final Scores- DCCS: 52; Radnor: 46; Upper Darby: 33.


 With all 21 contests complete, the Top 7 teams are confirmed.

  1. Delaware County Christian School
  2. Garnet Valley High School
  3. Radnor High School
  4. Marple Newtown High School
  5. Penncrest High School
  6. Haverford High School
  7. Springfield High School


Garnet Valley will host Haverford and Springfield in Semi-Final One on February 16th at 10 am and Radnor will host Marple Newtown and Penncrest at 10 am on February 14th. The winner of each of those matches will take on Delaware County Christian School in the 75th Championship on March 2nd at DC’s Newtown Square campus.

To see the scoreboard and schedule, and to learn how Hi-Q competitions work, visit www.DelcoHiQ.org. Follow us on Facebook, to get breaking Delco Hi-Q news.