Academic Achievement

Season’s Highest Scoring Competition to Date
2015-2016 Season Champions Garnet Valley High School hosted a very competitive match December 12. In what was the first competition for the host team and their guests Haverford and Radnor High Schools, 161 points were earned, the most in any match-up so far this season. As for duration, this was […]

Strong Start to Delco Hi-Q 69th Season
Delco Hi-Q, the nation’s oldest, continuous academic quiz competition, began its 69th season with two exciting matches December 1 and 2.

Leaders Made by Effort
by John D. Unangst, President & CEO Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwhile. ~Vince Lombardi